Sunday 20 October 2013

UPDATE | What I've been up to.

Hey guys. Long time, no post eh

 Its been a struggle for me to write a post because I haven't had the time so I just want to apologise for that. A lot of exciting things have been going on for me and I'm still trying to take it all in. I really don't want to jinx some things so I'll rather not go into them. I'm in my final year of sixth form which is stress on its own and of course getting the grade I need to get to my desired Uni is my number one priority at the moment. I started working at Superdry a couple of weeks ago { which is actually so fun...Everyone is so lovely and you immediately feel like you're part of the family } and so I've had to split my time up between college and work. Ofcourse I haven't forgotten to purchase some clothing pieces though - which I'll be posting up sometime this week. I feel like I'm finally finding my style and its been such an exciting journey for me. I find myself always planning outfits and making sure I have at least 1 or 2 clothing pieces in my made up/planned out outfits. 

The good news for me is that its half-term next week which means a chunk of blogpost and catching up on things I've had to put on hold which really is much needed so I'm pretty excited about my weeks to come. 

I feel like I'm at that point in my life where I'm happy and my plan is finally panning out the way I've wanted it to and it really hasn't been easy getting to this point but one thing I've had to realise is that happiness is a choice and no one can ever make you happy. Obviously I still have my off days, which everyone does, but its so much easier for me to genuinely smile again. Ending off on that note, I hope you all have a good week and stay blessed xo

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